Monday, October 21, 2019

better illiterate

while studying science,
the falling apple of Newton
had first led me to think to eat it.

while learning a lesson of social science,
the glass-houses on the harijan ashram road
had first led me to think
to throw a stone upon them.

while suppressing the thirst in the school recess,
the public water-pot at the padar of the village
had first led me to think
to piss into them
like a dog raising his hind-leg.

while suffixing or prefixing with my name the initials s.c. or b.c.
the roll-call  had first led me to think
of a new alphabet.

a fox went to a city---
accidentally fell into the dyer’s tankful of indigo --
seeing himself coloured and overenjoyed ---
 started feeling like the king of jungle—
got lesson when decoloured—

rather than making stories with multiple meanings
from such points of homework 
the last thought that I have is :
how blissful to remain illiterate

rather than becoming conscious of humiliation, hatred and oppression
and be helpless impotent all life !

had I been illiterate,
i could have struck a blow on the unjust head with my aadi ,
the big babul-logi carry the dead cattle with
or could have swallowed the discrimination
with a juicy peg of mahuwa flowers.

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