Monday, October 21, 2019

false solace

(to an inconsolable dalit couple)


Uka, you must become large-hearted like Rama.
so stop matching time and again
Magla’s face with yours
or your forefathers’ faces.
and stop beating her black and blue.

even the dead cow’s udders taste sweet, Uka,
let her live for the suckling child.
and the children she will bear to you.

and how come an Uuntouchable believes
that one gets defiled by the contact of a stranger’s skin ?

was it her fault
that the helpless woman was stopped by that savarna scorpion
when she was half-way to the fields all alone ?

the pestering whispers will die down as the time passes.

and Uka, have you seen children of the sun sun-like?
this Earth,  his child --
how ugly and rugged and dark is she ?

Uka, it’s true there is not much difference
in the face of that Kanabi snake and Magala’s muddy face.
then what about those tar black Kanabi and Koli children,
were they fathered by you or me or any of our castemen?  
that black puppy you carry on your shoulder 
and kitten you play with in your lap –
are they your kids ?
Uka, the one who gives birth is called mother
but he who brings up is called father in Gokul.
Uka, do we cast out a  pea from peanuts
while sowing the seeds in the fields ?

Uka, you must become large-hearted like Rama.
or will have shoot the arrow aiming sharp,
or stab in with your flaying-knife
and cut off this crooked cock’s terrifying crest.


Methi, you will have to be large-hearted like Sita.
so stop crying
pounds of tears and blood
in the woods and fields
before  trees and cacti hedges

helpless against the vagaries of time,
he is doing bone-breaking drudgery
in the Kanbi’s farm
all day and night,
to fill the bellies of these  piggy children.
looking you suckling Kanbi’s little snake-
this hedgehog pricking her while in her womb,
his endurance may give way
and slap you in a husbandly anger !
don’t you know the saying,
that weak husband is valiant only on his wife ?

but with this Kanbi’s farm,
this Kalubha’s well,
and that Koli’s hut –
you raise your little ones with the largesse of these lords;
you will have to swallow all :
their evil eye
and their dirty desire too.

dusty and earthy
clod of clay he may be, Methi
but Dhuliyo is your husband after all,
and strong enough to rein in Kanbi’s untamed ox all alone;
his manhood is not stigmatised ?
husband of a cuckold that he will be called !

but Methi, our forefathers called each child a child-king.
that Christian bavo says
the one who was born in the manger to the virgin mother
is known as god
and the one that was found deserted in the floating basket
became a king.
he will grow up tomorrow
and be your care taker in your old age.

don’t you know
devima Kalka’s sari was snatched by the king Patai
and sati Jasma’s bosom-scarf was not dragged by the king Sidhraj ?
were they stained by these  stigma?
they are revered as chaste deities, you know.

Methi, you have to be large hearted like Sita.
or will have to become a tigress of the forest
or become Ma Jogini of our cremating ghat        
and kill all these poisonous KanbanKolanKalotaran.

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