Monday, October 21, 2019


who was that satan sculptor
that carved my name upon my forehead so indelibly?
like tattooing with knife into the bark of the tree,
why do you dig into my head so laboriously
and so ruthlessly ?

to forget my name, I ran towards the city at  midnight
leaving my hut and hamlet,
my near and dear ones behind.
there and then,
I decided to unfurl the banner of inquilab
upon the bamboo of my broom.

i dissolved every atom of my name
in the solution of cosmopolitan culture.
as an yet unfound element,
i have become new and chaste
after shedding the dead skin of all my name.
i have turned into algebraic term :np.
no clue to my caste or creed or colour!

even the microscope’s eye
is unable to find out the name i shed
yet, like the vulture,
why does the beak of your eye
pecking at the carcass of my name perennially ?
alas, i am afraid
my name will survive even after i die.

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