Monday, October 21, 2019

multiplying melancholies

(on reading black literature)

in the midnight dream
a chilling Robesonian note
digs into the bones deeper and deeper
and awakens me to the cries
of hounded herds from dark continents

Hailey’s page murmurs under my charpoy
and calls to collect the lost roots
in the native soil…

Ngugi, my uncouth elder brother comes home
bringing a grain of wheat
and a bowl of blood.

and Harry returns to the reality of
clash of colour and class
and becomes the Black Bolshevik…

my bloodshot eyes are wide aghast
at the black experience !
the black blues rippling round and round,
black bards bellowing bleeding bugles,
black birds pecking at the cage bars.

i am awoken, my dear black brother:
yes, being black is no different than
being dalit.  

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