Monday, October 21, 2019

sickly medicos

Sickly medicos went mad one day –
First they tore off the scroll of Hippocrites
And inserted into their anus, tail-like.
Then started ransacking, raiding
And razed to the ground
Like a young jumbo
Who drank some wild juice.
Threw off the holy robes
And loitered around in nude.
Putting scissors inside the abdomen
They stitched up skillfully
As the marwaris do up the gunny-bags.
From the sling of the stethoscope
One lobbed round a brick bat
That broke the Constitutional rim
Of the statuesque specks at Sarangpur.
In the bid  of hysteric frenzy
They injected violent virus
In the veins of caste-hindu vandalas.
Pulled apart the posters:
Service before self
Kind words are more than medicine.
Instead, hang around their neck
A strange slogan :
Abolish reservations
And save the patients.
Savarnas are skilled and
Dalits are semi-skilled!

Only yesterday ,
Baby Nasareen’s playful sun
Was nipped in the bud
By a skilled scalpel.
Alas, her starlet eyeball
Had already drooped dead
Like a sunflower at the sunset.
Thanks to the efficient docs—
The Pasteurs and Jenners of India.
The great nobelists of India,

They started the game of monkeys –
One doffed the cap,
For the other had done it already.
And started the game of donkeys –
One brayed,
For the other had blown its bugle !

The whole of the city went wild –
An epidemic was prescribed for all,
By the dirty dogs.

Poor dalits, the reservationists !
Left their burning busties
Like migratory birds
In search of shelter , food and friendship.

A frightened flock rushed past the chawl,
With tin-boxes, buckets and rags,
Dragging their bare-bottomed children fast
Lest some beast of prey should pounce upon them.

Some were stabbed
And some were simply killed.
And some were murdered.

The curfew herded them all
Into the overcrowed ghetto
Starving and begging.

The cop beat,
For he was a sawarna.
The advocate argued,
for he was a sawarna
the judge jeered,
for he was a sawarna.
The policeman remained busy changing masks,
For he was sawarna,

The embers of the hutments glow,
The smoking roofs emit the sink
Of the roasted flesh.

Whereas all medicos dabced Dala Tarwadi,
Dr Bharati Achyut bravely  played her solo
Of dissentful distress. 
And massaged the wounded dalit soul.
Girish Patel offered
A coloumnful of smelling potion
To the swooned medicos
In the hope they regain
Sense and sensibility.

Justice thakkar prayed with folded hands
Not to play the game of fire.
A frail old fakir Bhanu adhwaryu
(beloved of the harijans and girijans )
Oracularly opened the mouth
For the deliverance of the down trodden dalits.
He knitted them into a mighty chord
To lash back the falcons.

Ramesh Menon cornered the culprits in the newsprint.
x-rayed the ailing sentiments
and rushed in the sides of dalits.
Manishi, the young and Hirabhai parmar,
Thew lone dalit MP
Choked with agony of the anguished
Was gagged by the party whip :
The great fall of the august house!      
angry messiah
Operated round the clock
To save the destiny of the dalits.

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